Awards, Publications & Exhibitions

OVI has more than 20 years of experience working in the Lighting Design field. Our world-class projects have been published in numerous books and exhibited internationally and our studio has been recognized with the most prestigious awards in the Lighting Design industry.


Known worldwide for their excellence and dedication to the art of architectural lighting design, Co-Founders, Chief Creative Jean Sundin, and Chief Innovator Enrique Peiniger, continue to be driven and passionate about the partnership between lighting and architecture.


award winning design architectural design lighting Office For Visual Interaction
At OVI, we're proud of the work we do and the recognition we've received from the lighting industry throughout the years. Some of our awards include:


theatre lighting designer wall lights daylighting day lighting intense lighting lighting architectural lighting in architecture architecture lights
在OVI,我们对于我们所做的项目成品及多年来获得的照明设计奖项感到自豪,其中包括: 在OVI,我们对于我们所做的项目成品及多年来获得的照明设计奖项感到自豪,其中包括:


Lighting Design & Process book OVI
The Office for Visual Interaction (OVI) has created some of the world’s most inventive lighting design, illuminating prominent buildings around the globe.


Lighting Design & Process book OVI


Office For Visual Interaction Lighting Design interior
Renowned as one of the world’s premier institutions for the advancement of architectural culture, the Aedes Architecture Forum in Berlin, Germany, presented the work of Office for Visual Interaction (OVI) in an exhibition entitled ‘Lighting Powers of 10.’


Office For Visual Interaction Lighting Design interior
作为世界首屈一指的建筑文化发展机构之一,位于德国柏林的伊蚊建筑论坛与展览空间,策划 了名为照明的10次方展览,展出OVI照明设计事务所历年来的建筑项目。


Magazin cover featuring OVI
Our studio and our international projects have been featured in some of the most prestigious architectural and lighting magazines in the world.  From awards, features, interviews, and showcases; the OVI team has had tremendous success partnering with some of the most influential architects to build and light some of the most amazing buildings.  See for yourself how OVI's work has influenced people across the globe in these press articles below.


magazine cover OVI